
a time to think a time for me...yeah..right now im all alone...listenin to music...thinking about stuff...and the thing is it's my brother's bday...
summer's here, the unbearable heat, all the swimming plans everyone has...hangin out...everyday(everyday!? so why am i here!?).everyone's dream summer is...pure problems no school just fun

a summer interesting....

summer's what you want it to can make it :

a.dull - stay home and rot

b.productive - take up summer courses to polish up on skillz *i did that (the very foundation of my skillz)*

c.outgoing - go everywhere but home

d.friendly - best way to do it....GO TO CAMP!

e.adventurous - go stuff...exotic maybe

d.expensive - get out of the country....or buy a country...or just spend spend spend in the country

e.studious - two words : SUMMER SCHOOL

f.profitable - two words again: summer job

g.happy - spend it your own way without the other choices hehe or better yet mix em all up without letter "E"

yeah summer's a great season....well all the greatness it has is the simple fact of not having no school....but summer's not complete with the letters F-U-N...that's simply my way of putting it.although there is a down side to everything...even summer vacation!
i mean a being there is one thing but...knowing that youneed to be there...that's something else...summer'll lose mojo if you're somewhere you dont point is you don't go somewhere you dont like and stay there for a long period of time right?

in my case knowing where you belong is paramount...
like my parents wanted me to go to the US to work for obvious reasons...but i wanted to stay here....because i know i belong here why? cuz of my friends...what friends? MY FRIENDS i did stay here.
the sense of being where you belong...knowing when to blend in helps you adapt but the feeling of you never needing to blend in...yeah...that's a Big thumbs up in's like you can live practically anywhere but you only have one home...and that home is where you ultimately (yeah keep an eye out for the term)ultimately for the others....SHELTER is the proper term i believe...for short i know i belong here...not the US...

on the other hand, one friend's case is different...he lives south WAY south lyk it takes 3 hrs from our place to their place so he lives there...and belongs there too (duh! his family's there) but he comes back here...stays at our house...he did for almost a month he has two homes in my books...he's sorta ..well not sorta...he IS a brother to guess you can have two homes too...he belongs there with his family...and has a spot here at our place....

now my other friend...whom is very dear to me....she (so it's obvious now hehe)almost had to go somewhere far far away(not exactly like star wars but you get my point) which isn't that big of a deal cuz it's SUMMER!! but the thing wasn't her choice which is painful, her dad wanted it...and without letting her decide..isn't fair...lucky thing her mom backed her up and eventually convinced her dad not to make her go...she knew she didn't belong there and her summer was almost ruined cuz of that...and summer's supposed to be for us...kinda. take summer into ur own hands and have fun

as i said earlier...summer is what you make it to be...and the state of belongingness is a big big happy vacation...i guess...

dunno if im talking in riddles..or's just something i felt i had to write about....ok till next time

1 Response
  1. Tricia Says:

    Yeah!!! Summer is our choice... Hehe... There are many ways to spend it... Uhm... "kanya kanyang diskarte" :P Uhm...
    About you going to the States... uhm... it was definately a choice for you... It was just an option. Summer is uhm...'fruitful'... so...hehe...
    I'm glad that your friend's mom was nice to back her up! Hehe! :) I'm happy for her :P
    And about your 'brother', hehe! Yeah...he must be real special to you! :) Hehe! I mean he has a special spot there at your place! Hehe!

    Ei btw...happy summer :)