the sporadic rolex

Life can have its major ups and downs. Life can be forgiving and unfair, Life can have its rewards and have its shit. Well, life in general is infact a state of growth. '

That's the beauty of it though, life is a sporadic mess of tragedy and euphoria. There was once a boy who constantly indulged himself with video games and anime, a kid whom thought of a life making or designing his passion. Then ended up thinking of all the cynical things, provocative issues, having this urge to at least try and save the world the crazy idealism of being young being at such a tender, tender age and time. Ah time, no matter how cliche' it may sound the only constant thing in this world is time. It's always there, changing second by second, our heart is pumping and aging every nanosecond we live. The beauty of life is through time and age, the fear and ugliness of life are through time and age aswell.

Time could be crucial, time could be wasteful, time could be short, time could be eager approximately any kind of word could be associated with time, banana time, train time, sexual tendency time, time for me to throw up. You see? Like or not Time is an anagram of Life. If anyone bothered to read this and asked themselves, "What the hell are you talking about you douche!?" give me the next paragraph to explain myself. You see, it's more simple than it seems. Remember that bunny from Alice in Wonderland? The one that says ,"I'm late! I'm late! for a very important date!". He's right you know, everyday someone must feel like that, someone must've woken up later than the usual and went to work or school fearing to be tardy. Remember your quiz in a major subject? The one with the "time limit"? Or remember that time you wanted to switch up your processor because this one was faster and could do more in less "time". I could fill up this blog post with nothing but those kind of analogies. So, what does this have to do with anything? Everything.

We basically all live under an ultimatum, we don't have a clue when our timer stops ticking unless, you have something like this.

Well, as dumb as it may seem. We are constantly living and that doesn't last forever. I don't want to waste my time anymore, I took time for granted, like what I did to my thesis mates I procrastinated beyong stupidity, I held back a friend for nothing it was just because I was being relatively super lazy. I did my best to make up for it when we hurriedly finished it for graduation. Thank you Jho, Kevs for forgiving me, and to Mic and Ray thanks for all the help. I don't want to be that kind of person no more, nor be someone like my dad who wanted more money yet forgot that we, his kids grew up already. I don't know how long I have on this earth. But I still want to help change it, even if just sharing my thoughts with all of you I may come to achieve this absurd task, I'm truly grateful.

the post grad post

Actually, the past couple of days have been fine, awesome, or whatnot. Well, with twitter feeds and wallposts. Also; the text greetings, last thursday it may be aware that I've just graduated college. an awesom feat to finish.

It was cool, I'm gonna miss my college friends though. But, because of the web we're still keeping in touch right fellas?

Anyways my dad said he'd fly back just for my grad and to my surprise, he did. Lots'o good things happened I guess. My dad, didn't finish my graduation(he left pretty early) so I was saying what was the point of his flying back then? Was I used as a scapegoat or excuse? He said jetlag, but wasn't he already aware of that? The PICC had pretty comfy seats. Anyways he kinda kept me hanging I was ok, a little disappointed but OK. I mean he did say that he had to leave in front of my friends. Which is really embarrassing.

Another thing, we(HS friends) partied after grad. Me looking spiffy in corporate attire. we drank at the mall of Asia. And we talked smack at each other till the break of dawn. It was awesome.

Well, till yesterday. We wanted to have a kinda cool celebration for me and dad's bday. I was still upset at him and he was acting all high and mighty that he didn't do anything wrong. It was clear in my words that I wasn't fond at him that moment. I kept avoiding my douchebag father he kept trying to talk to me all casual somewhat about some FAIL business plans and other things he has no clue about. I was at my limit and I wanted to keep cool just have the "LEAVE ME ALONE" plastered on my forehead. But he had to keep getting in my face. So, I really blew up. Man I said some things I really want him to hear, I wanted him to know I was upset, I wanted him to think of the last time he fulfilled his fatherly duties. He just flared up at me yelling "thank you for ruining my fucking birthday" deep inside I wanted to say "thank you for ruining my graduation". He stormed off yelling that I don't want him to be my dad anymore, I said no such thing. He's too insecure that he puts words into his mind, words of sorrow and fucked up meanings.

My dad is pretty much a lost cause at the moment. So, Lets just drink to ease the pain.

/end of emo-ish rant.

time to start up the old blog again.

For a very very long time, I've finally stopped blogging all together. School got hectic, girl issues, started to party more, started to do more things with life, you know typical stuff like any normal guy would do. Then it struck me, I've wanted to make a name for myself as a web developer, wanted to test my skills in design, wanted to share my life and my thoughts with everyone! Hence OK! let me revive my old blog, my old old blog. Reian's World. Not to brag or anything during the two years of its uber activeness i really did get alot of hits. So, from here on out. after the massive update with the visuals and codes I'll be making a better, brighter and cooler blog. Alright? LETS GO!