poverty in my own words

i was walking around luneta with my family the other night and something bothered me....

i look around and at every direction i see homeless people....some with kids alot were senior citizens...reality and it's cruelty have shown...poverty is rampant everywhere...i pity them but i dont help...i feel powerless...but i have's strange in a way that morality is taught in schools but unless we are obligated to perform these acts of charity we do nothing..
think about it..think of your school and how every student acts, we do these things because we are graded you wouldn't see every jamer give away their clothes to some kid....nor a mapuan give his daily allowance to a beggar...we somehow contradict to the very teachings of morality's not just the students but also the teachers. see the school , in order to fund their charitable events they smooch off of their's publicity...there are only a few good people that still live for virtue...the others they're obsessed with material things...

i admit i am not one of those not righteous, im no saint...i have material possessions and i live of off's awful to admit that the only thing i can give to the less-fortunate is my sympathy....therefore i consider myself.....lucky.... can only blame poverty on greed...the way i see it..people from provinces go to the city for one thing and one thing only.....MONEY...they go to cities to find better work and live fabulously like the icons they see on tv...only to figure out that no one would take them other words...they were DEAD WRONG...with no one to turn to they stay on the streets they get a low pay job and struggle in living off of that...back in the provinces they eat 3 meals a day NOW they barely have 1 full's pathetic...filipinos aren't content making them prone to failure....

poverty leads to injustice and injustice leads to chaos...oki i've played too much dynasty warriors...