the post grad post

Actually, the past couple of days have been fine, awesome, or whatnot. Well, with twitter feeds and wallposts. Also; the text greetings, last thursday it may be aware that I've just graduated college. an awesom feat to finish.

It was cool, I'm gonna miss my college friends though. But, because of the web we're still keeping in touch right fellas?

Anyways my dad said he'd fly back just for my grad and to my surprise, he did. Lots'o good things happened I guess. My dad, didn't finish my graduation(he left pretty early) so I was saying what was the point of his flying back then? Was I used as a scapegoat or excuse? He said jetlag, but wasn't he already aware of that? The PICC had pretty comfy seats. Anyways he kinda kept me hanging I was ok, a little disappointed but OK. I mean he did say that he had to leave in front of my friends. Which is really embarrassing.

Another thing, we(HS friends) partied after grad. Me looking spiffy in corporate attire. we drank at the mall of Asia. And we talked smack at each other till the break of dawn. It was awesome.

Well, till yesterday. We wanted to have a kinda cool celebration for me and dad's bday. I was still upset at him and he was acting all high and mighty that he didn't do anything wrong. It was clear in my words that I wasn't fond at him that moment. I kept avoiding my douchebag father he kept trying to talk to me all casual somewhat about some FAIL business plans and other things he has no clue about. I was at my limit and I wanted to keep cool just have the "LEAVE ME ALONE" plastered on my forehead. But he had to keep getting in my face. So, I really blew up. Man I said some things I really want him to hear, I wanted him to know I was upset, I wanted him to think of the last time he fulfilled his fatherly duties. He just flared up at me yelling "thank you for ruining my fucking birthday" deep inside I wanted to say "thank you for ruining my graduation". He stormed off yelling that I don't want him to be my dad anymore, I said no such thing. He's too insecure that he puts words into his mind, words of sorrow and fucked up meanings.

My dad is pretty much a lost cause at the moment. So, Lets just drink to ease the pain.

/end of emo-ish rant.

1 Response
  1. hmm.. so glad to see you on blogger. =)

    congratz again on your grad day :)